Textile Restoration Storage Service Hero Banner Image. Image of a house with a 1-800-Textiles Green delivery van with back doors open with clothing, garments, textiles and soft good that have been cleaned and restored back to the the home owner.

State-of-the-Art Storage

Following the cleaning process, items are carefully folded and boxed or hung up and bagged, then tagged for fast identification. Next, they are stored on client-separated racks or railing systems. Our packing and storage solutions keep your clothing and other fabrics clean until your items are ready to be returned and hung up in your home. We maintain a controlled environment in our facilities, which ensures your belongings are kept in excellent condition, ready to be returned when your property has been restored. 

Textile Restoration Storage Service page image 2. Image is gradient blue and black with a olive green storage building with a pad lock inside the over head door representing secure textiles restoration storage, Icon image is olive green. Text on images says "Cleaned items are tagged and stored, ready for return in excellent condition".
Textile Restoration Storage Service Webpage mage #3. Image is showing clothing rack on hanger that are cleaned, bagged, tagged and ready for storage until delivery required after textiles restoration from smoke, fire, store, water or mold damage clothing, textiles, garments, rugs and soft good.
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